

JVK Infra Pvt Ltd (“JVK Infra”) is an Indian company incorporated in July 2007 as the company for designing, constructing, operating, and maintaining infrastructure areas. After its formation, JVK Infra has been at the forefront of transformative projects within India, demonstrating unparalleled expertise in sectors ranging from buildings, roads, tunnels, and bridges, to energy, JVK Infra has taken up numerous Indian state and federal government infrastructure developments, civil constructions, and hydro & thermal power projects. Therefore, JVK Infra did establish its credentials from Indian state and federal governments, and JVK USA E&P being the sister company of JVK Infra could access and participate in Indian state and federal government Infrastructure development, road, and real estate projects.Click here for --->JVK Infra website:.

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As a subsidiary company of JVK Infra, JVK USA E&P Inc. (“JVK USA”) was formed in February 2020, in California, U.S.A., for oil and natural gas production in an area that reaches a total of 200 sq. km., in the Kingdom of Bahrain. That area had been confirmed with about 80 billion barrels of oil and 10-20 trillion cubic feet of gas reserves in said area. JVK USA E&P under the astute leadership of the CEO of JVK Infra and Business Development Officer, had gained full operational & strategic experience by participating in Indian state and federal government Infrastructure development, road, and real estate projects. With such extensive operational knowledge and experience, JVK USA would expand in this realm of oil-related production, refinery construction, and international oil trading to navigate this network of industries

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with its JV Associations conduct and perform Upstream and Downstream  operations in the Most parts of the world by implementing its New Cutting Edge Digital  Technology for successful and profitable execution of the Projects word wide.

JVKUSA E &P primary objective is Oil Trading along with economically identify, acquire, develop  business model with industry partners primarily via the following conduits

Acquisition: JVKUSA E&P with its JV associations acquires both developed and undeveloped properties with significant remaining Proved Reserves and substantive marginal upside yet to be captured. Management’s experience in diverse asset exploitation across varied hydrocarbon basins enables creative win/win offers designed to meet a broad range of seller’s needs as inducement to divest.

Farm-outs: JVKUSA E&P and its JV Associations specializes in leveraging low risk economic drilling opportunities that don’t traditionally fit major and large independent E&P company’s minimum hurdles. These prospects when identified, risked and implemented provide

i) Superior return on investment multiples, while

ii) Managing P&A liabilities for late life fields

iii) Increasing royalty revenue to the farmor and JVKUSA E&P and

iv) Accretive growth adding proved reserves.

Partnering: with JVKUSA E&P makes its JV Associates partners 100% happy with peers and larger companies For Oil Trading and JVK excels in providing low cost efficient operator-ship and bring substantive quality Product , by identify, exploit and  produce shelf projects needing motivation in Oil trading and in Downstream  operations in the Most parts of the world by implementing its New Cutting Edge Digital  Technology and safety.


How It Works

JVKUSA E&P being the part of biggest sector in the world in terms of dollar value, the oil and gas sector is a global powerhouse generating hundreds of billions of dollars globally each year.


Project Planning

JVKUSA E&P and its JV Associations Project planning is a stating how to complete a project within a certain time frame, with defined project location, and with designated resources.


Research & Analysis

Our JVK-JV team break project down into its parts in order to inspect and understand it, and to restructure those with our associates by emergent knowledge is applied with our cutting edge Digital technology .


Project Success

At JVK E&P -JV after our initial planning and analysis stage we put all our projects into Action with Vision and making a positive difference and leading towards successful Project completion.


Our Achievements

At JVKUSA E&P, our highly skilled energy strategy with our JV associates team has more than decades of collective experience in the business that drives powers our world in the field of Oil and Gas.

To identify the full range of any uncertainties around problems, so our team of experts can swiftly come on board to develop solutions that account for risk and uncertainty and bring the greatest value and profits to our JV/Associated organization projects

With this expertise we are well versed in successful completion of all past and ongoing projects and same will be implemented for all future oil and gas projects.

JVK USA E&P with our JV Association conduct Upstream and Downstream operations in the Most parts of the world with our Digital edge technology.