Global investment in oil and gas production, known as upstream, is expected to reach around $950 billion next year, worldwide.

In 2024, the number of large new oil and gas projects is expected to reach up to 60, compared with 52 in 2023, . Large projects hold over 50 million barrels of oil or gas equivalent.

Many of the new projects will be around oil & gas, with a record number of liquefied natural gas (LNG) projects set to get the green light in 2020.

The LNG projects will target 100 trillion cubic feet of gas, up from 82 tcf in 2023 and 42 tcf in 2022.

According to the Sustainable Development scenario put forward by the International Energy Agency (IEA), oil and gas will account for nearly half of the primary energy mix in 2040. They will continue to play a critical role in meeting the world’s energy needs for decades to come. Our role is to produce the energy we depend on every day in a sustainable, profitable way.



The future of oil and gas projects of JVKUSA E&P is being shaped by three key challenges, which are the basis for our strategy:

  • Meeting the energy needs of a growing oil and Gas
  • Fighting global warming, taking the IEA’s Sustainable Development scenario into account in our strategy and decisions.
  • Meeting the expectations to provide tangible solutions to the challenges of local economic, human and social development.

JVK USA E&P with its JV associates has planned for fallowing New Projects


 Tanzania Oil & Gas Projects


Malaysia Oil & Gas Projects



Cambodia Oil & Gas Projects


And list goes on for more Future Projects details  please email to [email protected]

Note: The Future project Details with spec will be sent only to JVK JV associated partners.




JVK USA E&P with our JV Association conduct Upstream and Downstream operations in the Most parts of the world with our Digital edge technology.