Downstream Processing


Downstream Production

In a cyclical market such as the Oil and Gas Downstream industry, successful companies need to be positioned to take advantage of opportunities by developing clear and targeted strategies that succeed in each phase of the business cycle. The strategies need to include plans for both value capture and risk mitigation.

What we often develop a strategy is that they’ll rush to jump at the first viable option that appears to satisfy the objectives. However, truly winning strategies are crafted from a consideration of a full range of alternatives and built on a foundation of research and insights. By creatively brainstorming all options and examining alternatives that may stretch the company’s limits and test the boundaries and comfort zone. The result is a strong, comprehensive strategy that drives  our JVKUSA E&P and our JV associates business forward and gets the entire team pulling in the same direction.


Business Solutions

The Downstream Oil & Gas industry is characterized by a complex set of uncertainties and risks that need to be dealt with appropriately, regardless of the specific strategy. Using best-practice probabilistic evaluation techniques, JVKUSA E&P and our JV associates develop insights into how models respond under different combinations of uncertainties. Where are the biggest risks and how exposed is our Downstream projects?.

  • OUR  exceptionally experienced work through a proven process that helps our projects make the best, most informed decisions possible.
  • JVK USA E&P with our JV associates we project our project success in a 360-degree view of the challenges our operations face.

Downstream operations are oil and gas processes that occur after the production phase to the point of sale.

Downstream is the Processing transporting and Selling refined products made from crude oil is the business of downstream segment of the oil and gas Industry JVK USA E&P with our JV associates provides thousands of products to end-user customers around the globe.

JVK USA E &P with its JV associates  has spread its operations around the  word and you can reach us by Emailing our support team to: [email protected] .

JVK USA E&P with our JV Association conduct Upstream and Downstream operations in the Most parts of the world with our Digital edge technology.